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Error Codes

Acquire a better understanding of PTS Transaction error codes and their resolution methods to ensure appropriate management of errors.

Transaction Error

1000Request accepted
1001Request field not valid
1002Transaction not found
1003Duplicate order id
1004Payment exceed quota limit
1005Withdraw amount too large
1006Withdraw amount too small
1007Not enough balance
1008Not supported currency
1009Unauthorized request
1010Signature check failed
1011This service does not supported
1012Token verify failed
1013Insufficient balance for withdrawal
1014Insufficient balance for exchange
1015Currency does not match the channel configuration
1016API token expired
1017Request data decryption failed
1018Whitelist not allow this IP
1019Withdraw confirm failed
1020Request not valid
1021Payee not found
1100Invalid account or password

Upstream Error

4001Upstream request failed
4002Upstream return unsuccessful
4003Upstream response check failed
4004Upstream does not support this bank
4005Upsteam require cnaps code
8001Service not available
8002Gateway not available
8003Exceed quota limit
8004Below quota limit
8005Upstream API not ready
8006Payment return type not support
8007Request IP not allowed
8008Exchange rate not available
8010Balance hold failed
8011Couldn't find merchant info
8012Couldn't find admin info
8013Request validation failed
8101Gateway not configured
8102Gateway not enabled
8103User gateway not configured
8104User gateway not enabled
8105Upstream not enabled
8106Cannot get user safecode
8107Cannot get user public key
8108Gateway not found
9000Upstream api not ready
9001Request rule invalid
9002Response decode failed
9003Callback rule invalid
9004Can not get user balance
9005Gateway not found
9006Service config not ready
9007Gateway request error
9008System private key not ready
9009Return data not valid
9999Unrecognized server error