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Withdraw Callback

Merchant system should implement API to receive callback from PTS. The PTS will send request to the callback_url given in transaction request.


Please make sure the callback_url you provided in payment request are valid and allow domain name of PTS to pass your firewall. Or it might cause transactions unsynchronizable.

Request (from PTS)

user_idStringMerchant identification
order_idStringWithdraw order Id of merchant system. The order id should be unique.
transaction_idStringPTS withdraw transaction id
channelStringPlease refer to Currencies & Channels
submit_currencyStringSubmit currency
submit_amountFloatSubmit amount (Support up to 6 decimal places)
accept_currencyStringThe currency real paid
accept_amountFloatPaid amount of accept currency (Support up to 6 decimal places)
exchange_rateFloatExchange rate
statusString0000 = Waiting
1000 = Processing
2000 = Success
3000 = Failed
4000 = Order error
timestampIntegerTransaction last update timestamp (10 digits)
signStringSignature string


Please return the string SUCCESS when callback is received. If there is anything wrong, please return the string FAILED.