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Withdraw Request


Authorization{token_type} {access_token}Concat token_type and access_token with whitespace.
user_idStringMerchant identification
order_idStringWithdraw order Id of merchant system. The order id should be unique.
amountStringTransaction amount (Support up to 6 decimal places)
currencyStringPlease refer to Currencies & Channels
channelStringPlease refer to Currencies & Channels
card_noStringWithdraw card number.If your channel is running virtual currency, then put the wallet address here.
card_nameStringCard (Virtual wallet) owner's name
card_typeInteger1 = private 2 = public
bank_codeStringPlease go to the background page-API Docking, download and refer to the bank list.
bank_nameStringPlease go to the background page-API Docking, download and refer to the bank list.
bank_branchStringBank branch(Limited length: 20, a Chinese word length is 2)
bank_provinceStringBank province(Limited length: 20, a Chinese word length is 2)
bank_cityStringBank city(Limited length: 20, a Chinese word length is 2)
cnaps_codeStringBank lines. REQUIRED when card_type = 2.
callback_urlURLService will send a callback request to this URL when the transaction completes.
timestampIntegerRequest timestamp (10 digits)
signStringSignature string


user_idStringMerchant identification
order_idStringWithdraw order Id of merchant system. The order id should be unique.
transaction_idStringPTS withdraw transaction id
channelStringSupported channels please refer Annex_1
submit_currencyStringSubmit currency
submit_amountFloatSubmit amount (Support up to 6 decimal places)
accept_currencyStringThe currency real paid
accept_amountFloatPaid amount of accept currency (Support up to 6 decimal places)
exchange_rateFloatExchange rate
signStringSignature string
// Example
"code": "1000",
"message": "Accepted",
"data": {
"user_id": 1,
"order_id": "20210521181858",
"transaction_id": "W12021052118190115910",
"channel": "CNY2ERC",
"submit_currency": "CNY",
"submit_amount": 40000,
"accept_currency": "USDT-ERC",
"accept_amount": 6644,
"exchange_rate": 0.1661,
"sign": "hZJiccj0EPEQkoOlsmkRWEzHZ+dvbgD8t2RyNzL..."