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Version: 1.0.x


This is your first step to be part of our inclusive digital financial economy. As a developer, you are powering your platforms and establishments with PTS Business. © copyright reserved

Version History

VersionEditorUpdate atDescription
1.0.0Reymond2023-05-15First released
1.0.1Silvain2023-10-31Simplified Chinese Version Added
1.0.2Dash2023-11-18Withdraw add require fields: email, phone, first_name, middle_name, last_name
1.0.3Frank2023-11-23Payment Response add field: qr_code
1.0.4Frank2023-12-04Fix sample code
1.0.5Frank2023-12-05Withdraw request adjust required parameters: email, phone
1.0.6Frank2023-12-06Adjust document fields: required, signature
1.0.7Frank2023-12-11Add explanation for callback response Content-Type
1.0.8Frank2023-12-13Remove cashier-related instructions
1.0.9Frank2023-12-18Withdraw request adjust field description: first_name, middle_name, last_name
1.0.10Frank2024-01-02Payment Callback, Payment Query, Withdraw Callback, Withdraw Query add response field: error_message
1.0.11Frank2024-01-08Update Demo code. Update random_code, token alive time
1.0.12Frank2024-01-18Transcation request add Content-Type application/json
1.0.13Frank2024-01-18Payment request add error_url field
2.0.0Frank2024-01-251. Add Payment Request-v2-QRPH
2. Add Withdraw Request-v2
3. Add Transaction Signature instruction