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Version: 2.0.x

Payment Callback

Merchant system should implement API to receive callback from PTS. The PTS will send request to the callback_url given in payment request.


Please make sure the callback_url you provided in payment request are valid and allow domain name of PTS to pass your firewall. Or it might cause transactions unsynchronizable.


This request is sent from PTS to merchant system when the transaction status is changed.

HTTP Request Method: POST \ Content-Type: application/json


✅ Required ⭕ Optional ❌ Not used

user_idStringMerchant identification
order_idStringPayment order id of merchant system. The order id should be unique.
transaction_idStringPTS transaction id
channelStringPlease refer to Support Channel
submit_currencyStringSubmit currency
submit_amountFloatSubmit amount (Support up to 6 decimal places)
accept_currencyStringThe currency real paid
accept_amountFloatPaid amount of accept currency (Support up to 6 decimal places)
exchange_rateFloatExchange rate
statusString0000 = Waiting
1000 = Processing
2000 = Success
3000 = Failed
4000 = Order error
timestampIntegerTransaction last update timestamp (10 digits)
submit_promoFloatSubmit amount promo(Support up to 6 decimal places)
accept_promoFloatPaid amount promo of accept currency (Support up to 6 decimal places)
payment_addressStringCrypto exclusive, if need, please inform customer service staff
receiving_addressStringCrypto exclusive, if need, please inform customer service staff
error_messageStringError message
reference_numberStringGCASH transaction id or QRPH Invoice number
signStringSignature string. Please refer to Data Signature and Verification


Please using Content-Type: text/plain return the string SUCCESS when callback is received. If there is anything wrong, please return the string FAILED.